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tv   ABC2 News at 6PM  ABC  November 14, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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molotov cocktail attacks over the weekend. the bombs struck homes within a few blocks from one another in a 90-minute span. police believe it may be connected to a series of attacks in september. one of the molotov cocktails missed its mark, falling to the ground on bells view avenue. one flew through a window on groveland avenue and fizzled out. that comes as little consolation to lisa pierson who lives on the same floor. >> have a 10-year-old son. i couldn't imagine if something like that was to happen, what we would do. it's scary. >> reporter: things would turn scarier about an hour later for a man living in this building where the arsonist tossed one of the fire bombs through his window. >> it appears this is a device that made this into the interior
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of the home, ignite and was extinguished before it could do property damage. >> reporter: police believe the same person or persons responsible may be the same ones who blanketed the city with nine separate fire bombings in september. they're asking the public to come forward with information that could lead them to a suspect. >> right now the detectives are investigating and hoping someone will come forward and this individual is walking around with some flammable liquid and he just didn't fit. anything as simple as that can help. >> reporter: jeff hager, abc2 news. >> if you have information, call metro crime stoppers at 1-866-7lockup. call if you know yen thing --
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anything. anne arundel police are trying to find a man who tried to abduct a teen. the girl was walking in severna park when the suspect grabbed her through the window of his vehicle. she was able to break free. call metro crime stoppers at 866-7lockup. police are asking for your help in tracking down a rapist. about 4:30 saturday morning a woman awoke and found a man standing over her bed. the man raped her as the two children slept in another room. police are asking if someone saw something suspicious to notify
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police. a woman has been charged with hit and run after hitting the front porch of a home with a child in her car. deputies say 29-year-old elizabeth guardner went -- gardner went off the road, hit the porch and ran away. guardner told the associated press she had a seizure. the child in the car was not hurt no here's the latest on the baltimore man accused of running a huge car rental scheme. investigators first told you about lamondes williams after we uncovered an apartment that was a scam that he was running in 2009. this time williams is in bigger trouble, facing charges for conspiracy and fraud. joce sterman has the verdict and reaction from the man had pieced it all together. >> it's your fault, your fault. >> reporter: the last time
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lamondes williams faced a court battle, it didn't end well for him. he was convicted in an apartment scheme in 2005 and spent years in prison. now this seems he will be heading back again. >> i don't believe he thinks he did anything wrong. people were taken advantage of. >> reporter: dan, a former secret service investigators spent six months interviewing dozens of victims and making undercover calls to piece together a huge scheme run by williams. >> he was good at what he did. the volume of victims was extraordinary. he made people believe this was a legitimate operation. >> reporter: it was a rent to own con game put together by williams and run by erica browfnlt they put out ads for cars, getting client phos spend up front -- clients to spend
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upfront for cash, for a car they could eventually owned but they octobered the money -- pocketed money. in the end the feds say thousands of dwhrars lost to williams along with the cars handed over to a man with a criminal past whose future is now taking the same path. >> i think he just thought he was smarter than the other guy. so i'm hoping he turns over a new leaf. >> reporter: in anne arundel county, joce sterman, abc2 news. >> williams was convicted on 30 counts. brown was convicted on wire and fraud as well. both face 20 years in federal prison. weather wise, an unseasonably warm day, up in the mid-70s. a few clouds drifting out of the west but no rain.
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temperatures, now, look at these, still 70 degrees. a nays sees, as burn. 68 in coke killsville -- cockeysville. 60s the rest of the evening. tomorrow it looks like will day that could feature showers. that's the beginning of the change in our weather pattern. we have much more coming up. today the second annual conference on the prevention of bullying and harassment took place. more than 500 educators, doctors and experts were on hand to talk about bullying. the conference studied how teachers can help. students from project change talked about their experiences in school. >> if i put it up on facebook, something unkind or untrue, that's out there for the world to see and to participate in. you can't just july -- kids often jump in and participate
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downtown knowing the person. >> reporter: the conference' dressed how many bullies attacked pel online. we have an online anti bullying resource. you can read 20 sign as child is being harassed. learn the nine biggest myths about bullies along with plenty of resource. that's to bullies. you'll notice the two buildings will be cast in a shade of blue to honor world diabetes days. roosevelt leftwich tells us what's behind this light of blue. >> reporter: think of it as a blue light special for your health. they will be blue tonight. you can see the monument. the blue light symbolizes world diabetes day to let people know about the disease and what some
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physician are saying is a near demic. it stands for many things. it took falling into a coma before eddie realized that diabetes was no joke. he didn't think it was serious enough and he cop hand tell. but getting sugar, as he calls it, made him change his life hoop once i started taking the insulin and the medication, all that i used to feel i don't even feel. >> reporter: diabetes is one of the top 10 deaths for african-americans. one out of five could have the disease. the stats are bad but not if you know what's behind it. >> we are now grappling with what i consider the public health crisis of the decade. in the next 10 years everyone will have diabetes. this is the first generation that hasn't outlived the generation before it. >> reporter: it's one of the
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most cellable illnesses. exercises and dietary changes can change it. factors like poverty and lack of education keep people from taking care of themselves. >> so can't nobody tell me, you know, that i didn't do the right thing at the right time because if i hadn't did the right thing at the right time, i'd be dead. >> i have patients who were on three, four, five, six different medicine for their diabetes and it was still poorly controlled. if they can lose five, 10% of their body weight, they clan get off the medicines. >> reporter: how this all came about, it came from a young girl, a teenager, amanda witherspoon. she wrote city officials and said what she would like to see a is some recognition for world diabetes day and blue is the color of diabetes, diabetes awearness, so that's how this
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happened. the one thing they hope people will get is to go to their doctor. if they feel like they have signs or symptoms or a part of their family, go to the doctor, find out, make sure you're going to be okay. roosevelt leftwich reporting. >> hayman da, you made a difference. thank you. it's official, baltimore's plaque black once to increase the current bottle tax from two cents to five cents a bottle. the mayor is presenting her plan to the council right now. it should bring in $23 million a year which who go towards school construction. it would be combined with the revenue from the slots parlor. a candidate running for senate in maryland is claiming that his staffers were targeted by vandals. he said the cars driven by two of his staffers were vandalized.
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those cars and one driven by his pregnant wife were parked in different areas and all found with nails in them. another had the air let out of all four tires. >> you don't have to be an investigator to know our specific cars were targeted. >> he said although 700 cars were parked at the event, the damage was limited to cars belonging to his staff. when it comes to protecting your identity and money, a certain computer could be putting you in jeopardy. how scammers are able to steal from you. could several athletic teams be in jeopardy at the university of maryland. out at bwi, 74 degrees.
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we guaranteed 67. no two-degree winner with that one. a new storm is on the march. we'll talk about that coming up.
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for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing, wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun.
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we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while.
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it was a long flight home. coach harbaugh wrapped up his weekly news conference. he said we are not licking our wounds. we are moving up. the coach said i didn't see a lot more opportunities to run the ball. that's just the way the game went. the orioles got a big announcement. they will show off their new uniforms for next year.
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a special announcement will take place at 9:30 tomorrow morning. a commission out have college park is looking at which athletic teams they will cut because of budget restraints. the committee was formed in july. the athletic director predicted to have a deficit in the current year. the teams on the hit list are men's and women's swimming, diving teams and women's water polo along with many more. we'll keep you posted on this. all right. take a look. christmas lights out there jamie. makes you feel like the holidays, doesn't it, until you put this on there, 70 degrees, a little late season surprise. 70 as we speak. warm weather, winds southwest at 12, pressure holding steady,
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clear visibility. manchester a nice finish to the day. charm city run in bel air, harford county, giving you a shout. this was a beautiful day, passing clouds, a warm evening. maryland's most powerful radar still scans all clear. probably the first half. by the evening commute some showers out and about. warm, 70 in baltimore. ocean city now 62 degrees. good night for a walk on the boardwalk. our highs in the mid-70s, 76 at the inner harbor. 76 in annapolis. downtown tomorrow still warmer than average. i think we'll make the 68, 69. not in the 70s. we'll cloud up. there will be showers tomorrow that could help cool things off. none of that tonight, just some clouds. main boundary to the west. already putting down some showers and storms, places like i. inned and ohio getting rough
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weather. in the meantime we get the warm surge that will hold temperatures up. you don't have to turn on the heat nor through the day tomorrow. you'll need the heat by the middle of the week. chances for showers go up. tomorrow evening we could see rain. the best chance wednesday, wednesday afternoon, wednesday evening. as the main line comes through this will be cold and blustery at least for a couple of days to wrap up the week. overnight upper 50s with most of the night in the 60s, maybe an isolated shower. we stay mostly cloudy, 67 your two-degree guarantee. tomorrow showers becoming more likely. your seven-day forecast, the chance for showers tuesday and wednesday. colder and breezier weather will set up thursday and friday. looks like we warm things up early next week. >> i think we all do this, use
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public computers, maybe get online to check our flight at the hotel or look at facebook while we're away. criminals could be watching every move you make and recording every key you type, all by using your personal information. abc2 news joce sterman shows us how easily it can be done in this week's scam alert. >> reporter: when john travels for work, public computers are his lifeline for email access. he wonders when he logs on at a library or coffee shop, who else is watching. >> that someone may install spy wear. they can capture the keystrokes and will know my account and password. then i'm vulnerable. >> reporter: experts say anyone using public computers are vulnerable, ready to swipe what you type online. there are no laws or regulations requiring public computers be
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secured against spy wear programs. as a result some public computers may have safeguards, others may not. >> it's an extremely prevalent crime in the united states. unprotected or unsecured networks means it become has breeding ground for criminal activity. >> reporter: david trains law enforcement agencies on computer security and is a member of the u.s. secret service electronics crime force. he shows how criminals can skim your information using key logging software. first, he installed a program that records every letter, pung waiption mark and -- punctuation mark and space. an unsuspecting person may type in his log in and password. here's the keylogger readout
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report complete with the screen name and here's his password. >> there are hundreds and hundreds of different applications that criminals can use in a public environment to do nothing but record your data. >> you wouldn't know you became a victim. >> reporter: last year the federal trade commission got more than 250,000 identity thefts and most victims have no idea how this happened. >> you need to stay aware of what's going on, be aware of what you're doing. >> reporter: to protect yourself min mites accounts you -- minimize the accounts you access. never bank online. if using a password protected site, change your password once you get home. >> whatever information they got won't do anybody any good. >> reporter: it's good to change your password frequently no
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matter where you log on the web. >> how good are you at protecting your personal information. you can take a quiz. head to our website, your id. here's a look at what's coming up tonight at 11. as adults we understand what you say or do online today could have far reaching effects in the future. tonight abc2 news works with now to manager your child's social media identity. it's time to start working on that thanksgiving list. we have tips on how to trim the cost of that huge family meal. i'm kelly swoope. we'll have have those stories and more. [ female announcer ] maybe you're one of them.
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♪ one of the always electrifying... eyebrow-raisers... and jaw-droppers. ♪
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are you a great, fine arm-flailer... catwalk-walker, or talk-a-friend's-ears-off talker? one of the hard-to-describe, the laugh-out-loud laughers who inspired a variety of gain scents that are, like all of you, anything but ordinary.
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this is nice. >> oh, man, unusual. >> we'll take it. >> even though we get early sunsets, we're not upper 60s now. we take a check at some of the temperatures, almost 70. fort immediate in annapolis. take a walk and enjoy. tomorrow it will cloud up. collapse for showers coming -- chance for showers coming late in the day. >> all right. go see the tower and mt. vernon, the washington monument, all
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decorated if blue for world diabetes day. we'll see you at 11. that's it for us. diane sawyer has a lot of news, and that's coming up next.
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